Image Credit: Anthonycz/Shutterstock/EIA
International Ozone Day: Montreal Protocol Mission Goes On
Today is International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, the theme of which is Ozone Layer Protection: The Mission Goes On. Although the Montreal Protocol eliminated the use of most gases which were damaging the ozone layer, its job is not done as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)—the chemicals which have replaced ozone-depleting substances—are now destroying our climate.
The impact of one molecule of HFC on the climate is thousands of times more damaging than one molecule of carbon dioxide. As an example, supermarkets use HFCs to cool and freeze food; average annual leakage of HFCs from supermarkets equal the climate impact of the emissions of more than 300 cars. Fortunately, climate-friendly refrigerants are available for all cooling and freezing needs in supermarkets and beyond.