Leaking Havoc: Exposing Your Supermarket’s Invisible Climate Pollution
An EIA investigation into dozens of supermarkets in the greater Washington, D.C. area, including Virginia and Maryland, found a majority of stores to be leaking super-pollutant hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. Our investigation focused on Walmart and other top-grossing supermarkets in the region and used industry-accepted refrigerant leak detectors. Sixty percent of the Walmart stores investigated by EIA had a refrigerant leak. Fifty-five percent of the stores we visited were measurably leaking super pollutants. In a few cases, leaks were still present months later. The invisible nature of the gases has allowed companies to overlook refrigerant emissions and calls to action; but with the right equipment, these gases are neither invisible nor immeasurable. Read Leaking Havoc: Exposing Your Supermarket’s Invisible Climate Pollution to see what companies, policymakers and citizens can do to fix this problem.