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The Montreal Protocol in 2012: Ending the Reign of Fluorocarbons, Answering the Call on Climate

Under the Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol has been tasked with responsibility for controlling ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and dealing with any “adverse effects” arising from their elimination. Without question, the negative impact and contribution to global warming arising from using HFCs as alternatives to ODS qualifies as an “adverse effect " that is a direct result of the ODS phase-outs, and as such it is time for the Montreal Protocol to fully embrace its obligations and act decisively to regulate HFCs.

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What are the HFC-free Technologies?
Widespread adoption of HFC-free technologies is cost-effective, energy efficient, and climate-friendly. Read EIA’s report Putting the Freeze on HFCs for hundreds of examples of HFC-free technologies available and in use today.
A Global HFC Phase-down
The October 2016 Montreal Protocol meeting in Kigali, Rwanda yielded a global agreement to phase down HFCs. Now countries must ratify and implement the Kigali Amendment! Read and share EIA's briefing on this great opportunity and obligation to avert climate catastrophe.
Help us mitigate climate destroying gases
Where are HFCs used?
What are HFCs?
How to Recycle Your Fridge