Campaign Focus Areas
- Une convention internationale s'attaque au plus grand commerce illicite de bois de rose
Une convention internationale s'attaque au plus grand commerce illicite de bois de rose
Washington, D.C. - L'Agence D'investigation Environnementale (EIA) salue la décision sans précédent prise par le Comité Permanent De La Convention Sur Le Commerce International Des Espèces De Faune Et De Flore Sauvages Menacées D'extinction (CITES) de mettre fin au commerce illégal et non durable de plusieurs milliards de dollars de bois de rose (Pterocarpus erinaceus) qui persiste en violation de la Convention depuis 2017.
- International Convention Cracks Down on World’s Largest Illicit Rosewood Trade
International Convention Cracks Down on World’s Largest Illicit Rosewood Trade
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) commends the unprecedented decision taken by the Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to stop the illegal and unsustainable multi billion dollar illegal trade in rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus) that has persisted in violation of the Convention since 2017.
- Convention Evasion: Madagascar's Plan to Pull Rosewood Stockpiles Out of CITES
Convention Evasion: Madagascar's Plan to Pull Rosewood Stockpiles Out of CITES
The fate of what are arguably the world’s most valuable and coveted timber stockpiles will be discussed at the 74th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC74) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
- Letter: Open Letter to President Castillo from the Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Letter: Open Letter to President Castillo from the Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Given the current situation, the Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (Aidesep), representing more than 1800 communities, 109 federations and 9 regions, states the following:
- Open Letter to President Castillo from the Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Open Letter to President Castillo from the Inter-Ethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP)
Peru's indigenous peoples have sent a strong public letter to Peru's President, Pedro Castillo, protesting the appointment of the new president of the cabinet, Hector Valer, who has a public trajectory of attacking, insulting and criminalizing indigenous peoples.
- Defending Forests and People in Court: The Zambia Case
Defending Forests and People in Court: The Zambia Case
In December 2019, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) released a groundbreaking report about one of the most egregious timber trafficking systems exposed on the African continent.
- Proveedores indirectos: la falta de trazabilidad completa en las cadenas de suministro expone a los supermercados colombianos a la deforestación ilegal
Proveedores indirectos: la falta de trazabilidad completa en las cadenas de suministro expone a los supermercados colombianos a la deforestación ilegal
La ganadería, la cual se lleva a cabo en gran parte de manera ilegal, se ha convertido en uno de los principales motores de deforestación en la Amazonía, desde Brasil hasta Paraguay y Colombia. Como lo documentó EIA en su investigación, titulada Carne contaminada, los principales supermercados en Colombia corren un alto riesgo de vender productos vinculados a ciertas actividades ilícitas en las áreas protegidas, incluyendo pagos a grupos armados.
- US-China Pledge to Ban Imports Emanating from Illegal Deforestation: No Time for A Mirage
US-China Pledge to Ban Imports Emanating from Illegal Deforestation: No Time for A Mirage
London/Washington, D.C. - The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow brought renewed attention to fighting deforestation and forest degradation.
- Perú: Juzgado podría anular resolución que benefició a Tamshi SAC tras deforestar sin autorización
Perú: Juzgado podría anular resolución que benefició a Tamshi SAC tras deforestar sin autorización
Un juez está evaluando anular una cuestionada resolución del Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego del Perú (MIDAGRI) que intentó regularizar la deforestación no autorizada de 2,196.44 hectáreas de bosque natural Amazónico realizada por la empresa Tamshi SAC entre los años 2013 y 2016.
- How U.S. Imports of Agricultural Commodities Contribute to Deforestation and Why it Matters
How U.S. Imports of Agricultural Commodities Contribute to Deforestation and Why it Matters
A significant proportion of agricultural commodities produced on illegally deforested land enter global supply chains, exposing major markets such as the U.S. to environmental and human rights abuses, corruption, and organized crime through imports of raw materials and related manufactured goods, while undercutting companies trying to source legally and responsibly.