- プレスリリース:東京都、象牙取引への法的な対応検討へ–有識者会議の審議終了
- Tokyo Ivory Assessment Process Closes, Includes Consideration of Legal Measures to Address Ivory Trade
Tokyo Ivory Assessment Process Closes, Includes Consideration of Legal Measures to Address Ivory Trade
Environmentalists welcomed the recommendations from the designated panel of experts to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) on steps to take to address its ivory trade problem.
- Le dernier mais pas le moindre : Le marché intérieur de l'ivoire au Japon
Le dernier mais pas le moindre : Le marché intérieur de l'ivoire au Japon
Le marché intérieur de l'ivoire au Japon continue à faciliter le commerce illégal de l'ivoire au Japon et à soutenir les exportations illégales hors du pays.
- Closure of Domestic Rhino Horn Markets: Briefing for SC74
Closure of Domestic Rhino Horn Markets: Briefing for SC74
South Africa is home to the majority of the world’s white and black rhinos and maintains an active, legal domestic rhino horn market.
- L’augmentation du braconnage des rhinocéros au Botswana: Document d'information pour les délégués de la session CITES SC74
L’augmentation du braconnage des rhinocéros au Botswana: Document d'information pour les délégués de la session CITES SC74
Le braconnage important et soutenu des rhinocéros dans le delta de l'Okavango a décimé les rhinocéros blancs et noirs sauvages du Botswana.
- Last But Not Least: Japan’s Domestic Ivory Market
Last But Not Least: Japan’s Domestic Ivory Market
Japan’s domestic ivory market continues to enable illegal ivory trade within Japan and sustain illegal exports out of the country.
- Five Years of Failure
Five Years of Failure
A review of the effectiveness of the US Government recovery plan for critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales
- Petition to Cap Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Take Authorizations and for Associated Actions and Rulemaking
Petition to Cap Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Take Authorizations and for Associated Actions and Rulemaking
Five Years of Failure: A review of the effectiveness of the US Government recovery plan for critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales
- Five Years of Failure
Five Years of Failure
A review of the effectiveness of the US Government recovery plan for critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales
- Orang Utan Dalam Krisis
Orang Utan Dalam Krisis
Washington DC – Presiden Indonesia harus bertindak sekarang untuk mencegah penurunan permanen populasi satu-satunya kera besar di Asia, demikian peringatan yang diberikan dalam laporan terbaru dari Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) yang berbasis di Washington DC.