Campaign Focus Areas
- EIA 2018 Impact Report
EIA 2018 Impact Report
In 2018 the Environmental Investigation Agency continued to confront the greatest environmental threats facing the world today. The EIA team pursued, documented and exposed the activities of syndicates that threaten endangered species, damage the climate and ozone layer, and drive the trade in timber stolen from the world’s most important remaining forests.
- Search, Reuse, and Destroy: How States Can Take the Lead on a 100 Billion Ton Climate Problem
Search, Reuse, and Destroy: How States Can Take the Lead on a 100 Billion Ton Climate Problem
Preventing emissions of fluorinated refrigerants such as HFCs from “F-gas banks” is the single biggest near-term strategy to reduce greenhouse gases. The IPCC special report on limiting global warming to within 1.5˚C also underlined need for faster and deeper HFC emission reductions beyond those anticipated under full implementation of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
- Tip of the Iceberg: Implications of Illegal CFC Production and Use
Tip of the Iceberg: Implications of Illegal CFC Production and Use
Just six months after scientists revealed unexpected and high emissions of CFC-11, much has been done to address this enormous environmental crime. China has responded with an unprecedented nationwide enforcement action and has shut down at least one illegal CFC-11 production factory. The Parties to the Montreal Protocol unanimously responded at OEWG-40 to the crisis and will agree vital next steps at the 30th Meeting of the Parties in Quito, Ecuador.
- IMO Takes Major Step Towards Ending Dirty Fuel Use in the Arctic
IMO Takes Major Step Towards Ending Dirty Fuel Use in the Arctic
EIA hails the IMO's agreement to develop a ban on the use and carriage for use of heavy fuel oil in the Arctic.
- EIA opposes Trump administration plan for new oil leases in beluga habitat
EIA opposes Trump administration plan for new oil leases in beluga habitat
Today EIA filed a comment in opposition to the unprecedented plan by the administration to open 98 percent of the American outer continental shelf to oil and natural gas activity.
- EIA Condemns Establishment of Rhino Horn Trade Desk
EIA Condemns Establishment of Rhino Horn Trade Desk
EIA condemns the establishment of Rhino Horn Trade Africa (RHTA), an initiative launched yesterday by the South Africa-based Private Rhino Owners Association (PROA).
- Smarter Standards: Vital for Kigali Amendment Success
Smarter Standards: Vital for Kigali Amendment Success
This report provides updates on the work of key standards bodies relevant to the cooling sector and outlines the climate imperative of modernizing standards for successful implementation of the Kigali Amendment and the ongoing HCFC phase-out.
- Historic Sentence for Largest Wildlife Crime in Recent History
Historic Sentence for Largest Wildlife Crime in Recent History
Trader smuggled 50 million dollars’ worth of rosewood into Singapore, expects jail
- Depot Deception: New EIA video documents systematic timber laundering by Schweighofer suppliers
Depot Deception: New EIA video documents systematic timber laundering by Schweighofer suppliers
The latest in EIA's video series The 'S' Files reveals the severity and scale of Holzindustrie Schweighofer's trade in illegal wood.
- United States and Canada Take Historic Steps to Protect the Arctic Ocean
United States and Canada Take Historic Steps to Protect the Arctic Ocean
Joint Statement bans drilling in most of the U.S. and Canadian Arctic, and commits to phasing out use of heavy fuel oil by ships in the Arctic