Press Releases
- New Atmospheric Study Pinpoints Large-scale CFC-11 Emissions in Eastern China
New Atmospheric Study Pinpoints Large-scale CFC-11 Emissions in Eastern China
New Atmospheric Study Pinpoints Large-scale CFC-11 Emissions in Eastern China
- New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asks Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support a ban on Japan’s ivory trade
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asks Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support a ban on Japan’s ivory trade
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asks Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support a ban on Japan’s ivory trade
- Supermarkets Leading the Way in Eliminating Super-Pollutant HFCs
Supermarkets Leading the Way in Eliminating Super-Pollutant HFCs
Supermarkets Leading the Way in Eliminating Super-Pollutant HFCs
- EIA Calls on Japan to Urgently Close its Ivory Market: Government’s New Proposed Measures Fail to Protect Africa’s Elephants
EIA Calls on Japan to Urgently Close its Ivory Market: Government’s New Proposed Measures Fail to Protect Africa’s Elephants
EIA Calls on Japan to Urgently Close its Ivory Market
- Toxic Trade: Forest Crime in Gabon and the Republic of Congo and Contamination of the US Market
Toxic Trade: Forest Crime in Gabon and the Republic of Congo and Contamination of the US Market
For four years, EIA has investigated the logging sector in the Congo and Gabon, countries that together account for approximately 60 percent of the total area under forest management in the Congo Basin. EIA’s findings reveal that one of the largest and most influential Chinese timber companies in Africa, the “Dejia Group,” has built its business model on bribery and crime.
- New LEED Credit Rewards Timber Transparency and Traceability
New LEED Credit Rewards Timber Transparency and Traceability
New LEED credit rewards timber transparency and traceability
- EIA Statement on the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act of 2019 (H.R. 864)
EIA Statement on the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act of 2019 (H.R. 864)
EIA strongly supports the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act of 2019 (H.R. 864) introduced today by Representatives John Garamendi (D-CA) and Don Young (R-AK).
- Alert: The Peruvian Government backs down in the fight against illegal logging
Alert: The Peruvian Government backs down in the fight against illegal logging
While the Agency for Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife (Osinfor) has continued to identify illegal harvest and trade of timber in Peru, providing key information that has compelled other agencies to recognize and act upon the seriousness of illegality in the Peruvian forestry sector, on Wednesday, December 12 the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) approved a Supreme Decree that undermines the independence of Osinfor by removing it from the PCM and relocating it within the Ministry of Environment (MINAM).
- Alerta: El Gobierno Peruano retrocede en la lucha contra la Tala Ilegal
Alerta: El Gobierno Peruano retrocede en la lucha contra la Tala Ilegal
Mientras el Organismo de Supervisión de los Recursos Forestales y de Fauna Silvestre (Osinfor) continúa identificando la extracción y comercio de madera ilegal en el Perú y difundiendo información clave que obliga a otras autoridades a reconocer la grave situación de ilegalidad en el sector forestal peruano y a tomar acciones, el Consejo de Ministros aprobó el miércoles 12 un Decreto Supremo que corta la imprescindible independencia del Osinfor al retirarlo de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM) y reubicarlo bajo el Ministerio de Ambiente (MINAM).
- Authorized Plunder
Authorized Plunder
A new report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Authorized Plunder, documents how the sale of 180,000 rosewood logs in Guinea-Bissau, enabled by the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), is fueled by high-level corruption, encourages illegal logging, and threatens local communities.
With the 30th Meeting of the Parties (MoP30) to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer opening in Quito, Ecuador, on Monday, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is releasing a new update on China’s CFC-11 production crisis.
- Global Wildlife Treaty Bans Massive Illegal Timber Trade from Nigeria
Global Wildlife Treaty Bans Massive Illegal Timber Trade from Nigeria
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) commends the trade suspension on rosewood from Nigeria, agreed upon by the governing body of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES Standing Committee) at its meeting in Sochi and effective as of October 8, 2018.
- Livestream: Defend the Defenders
Livestream: Defend the Defenders
Musicians from Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Band and Guster Join Peruvian Indigenous Leaders, Advocate End to Illegal Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest
- No Compensation for Timber Traffickers
No Compensation for Timber Traffickers
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) welcomes the unanimous rejection of the proposed payoff mechanism to Malagasy rosewood traffickers, agreed upon by the governing body of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES Standing Committee) at its meeting in Sochi.
- Investigation Reveals Hanko Demand Drives Japan's Illegal Ivory Trade
Investigation Reveals Hanko Demand Drives Japan's Illegal Ivory Trade
Nearly 200 retailers in Japan are willing to sell ivory hanko knowing the sought-after name seals are destined for export which is illegal, a new investigation reveals.
- Global Wildlife Treaty Put to Test by Growing Organized Forest Crime
Global Wildlife Treaty Put to Test by Growing Organized Forest Crime
Global Wildlife Treaty Put to Test by Growing Organized Forest Crime
- U.S. Government Confirms Challenges Remain for Peru to Ensure Legal Origin of Timber
U.S. Government Confirms Challenges Remain for Peru to Ensure Legal Origin of Timber
In a report recently released by the U.S. government, the Interagency Committee on Trade in Timber Products from Peru (the Interagency Committee) found that challenges remain for Peru to ensure that timber exported from that country to the United States has been legally harvested.
- Gobierno de EE.UU. Confirma que Continúan los Problemas para Garantizar el Origen Legal de la Madera del Perú
Gobierno de EE.UU. Confirma que Continúan los Problemas para Garantizar el Origen Legal de la Madera del Perú
En un reciente informe publicado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, el Comité Multisectorial sobre el Comercio de Productos de Madera provenientes del Perú (el Comité Multisectorial) encontró que continúan los retos para que el Perú pueda garantizar que la madera que exporta hacia EE.UU. ha sido talada legalmente.
- EPA Proposes Rescinding Controls on Leaks of Superpollutant HFCs
EPA Proposes Rescinding Controls on Leaks of Superpollutant HFCs
Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will issue a proposed rule rescinding requirements to control leaks and venting of superpollutant hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
- Alerta: El Gobierno Peruano Amenaza la Independencia del Osinfor
Alerta: El Gobierno Peruano Amenaza la Independencia del Osinfor
Alerta: El Gobierno Peruano Amenaza la Independencia del Osinfor
- Alert: Peruvian Government Threatening the Independence of Osinfor
Alert: Peruvian Government Threatening the Independence of Osinfor
Alert: Peruvian Government Threatening the Independence of Osinfor
- EIA Applauds IWC For Passing Resolution Addressing Underwater Noise Impacts to Protect Whales
EIA Applauds IWC For Passing Resolution Addressing Underwater Noise Impacts to Protect Whales
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) commends the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for passing by consensus a new Resolution focused on addressing the impacts of anthropogenic underwater noise on cetaceans.
- EIA Applauds Passage of California Cooling Act
EIA Applauds Passage of California Cooling Act
California’s legislature voted today to pass The California Cooling Act (SB 1013), which will make a significant contribution to reducing super pollutant hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The bill is expected to reduce HFC emissions by up to 17 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent annually by 2030.
- EPA Issues Final Rulemaking on Climate-Friendly Fridges
EPA Issues Final Rulemaking on Climate-Friendly Fridges
Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rulemaking that will allow the US market to transition away from hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), potent super greenhouse gases, in new household refrigerators and freezers.